Monday, June 30, 2008

It was an interesting event that promotes teamspirit and inculcates values of mutual respect for each other despite our diversities in thoughts and views.

Mdm Lim Meow Kheng

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sandcastle Teambuilding

It is interesting and fruitful to work together as it fosters teamwork, friendship and rapport among the EAS and teaching staff.
The carmaraderie fostered will enhance productivity and diligence among the staff.

Bebe Aziz

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sandcastle Building

It was like making up for lost time, for those of us who had never ever made sandcastles during our childhood days. It was hard work just to make a sandcastle of such a dimension. However, with teamwork it made the task easier.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Good Old Days

Reliving the memory of my childhood days - leading a carefree and easy life. Wow! This building of sandcastle really needs skills, patience, confidence, creativity and passion - just like my life-long career of teaching. Putting that aside it was sheer pleasure and fun! I simply love it except for my breaking and aching back.

It's fun! It's great! Just like dreaming.......which i never think will have this wonderful day.
Especially, build the castle part which I was always fail to build previously.

Cheers!!!!!!!!!Is a very success event..Hope to have another journey like this.

Lily Ng

Back to Childhood's Time - Playing With Sand

It seems to be years back since last playing with sand. It's really fun to build sand castle especially with colleagues who we might not work together often but it was not a big problem as everyone was enjoying and co-operative.

*** Irene Wong *** ;)