Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sandcastle Teambuilding

It is interesting and fruitful to work together as it fosters teamwork, friendship and rapport among the EAS and teaching staff.
The carmaraderie fostered will enhance productivity and diligence among the staff.

Bebe Aziz

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sandcastle Building

It was like making up for lost time, for those of us who had never ever made sandcastles during our childhood days. It was hard work just to make a sandcastle of such a dimension. However, with teamwork it made the task easier.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Good Old Days

Reliving the memory of my childhood days - leading a carefree and easy life. Wow! This building of sandcastle really needs skills, patience, confidence, creativity and passion - just like my life-long career of teaching. Putting that aside it was sheer pleasure and fun! I simply love it except for my breaking and aching back.

It's fun! It's great! Just like dreaming.......which i never think will have this wonderful day.
Especially, build the castle part which I was always fail to build previously.

Cheers!!!!!!!!!Is a very success event..Hope to have another journey like this.

Lily Ng

Back to Childhood's Time - Playing With Sand

It seems to be years back since last playing with sand. It's really fun to build sand castle especially with colleagues who we might not work together often but it was not a big problem as everyone was enjoying and co-operative.

*** Irene Wong *** ;)

Team Building

Teambuilding is important for the success of whatever task undertaken.

Goh KC

Monday, June 23, 2008

here come the hard work.....Sweating time....Part 1

First stage planning 2

everyone is a winner in jiemin school

The last time I was in ECP beach, that was about 20 years ago playing sand with my family.
And as with any Jiemin functions, people here make sure you enjoyed yourself with fun and food.
So, while we are enjoying ourselves we learnt something.
Each and everyone of us have our aspirations.
Parents wants their children to go to school to learn to be independent, productive, and practise the right values.
Students want to make friends, learn something interesting.
Teachers want to impart their ocean of knowledge to their students to prepare them to be able to lead a meaningful life.
Each of us are born with different abilities and aspirations.
And we know that the primary education have very great influences in shaping and moulding the habits and thinking of these young minds. Do most parents and students realised this?
I am not sure if I am being naive to suggest that our next game would be to make everyone in Jiemin a winner. A winner in his own ability and aspiration. For that we need to convince everybody in the school and in their homes, that is so.
We can organise a "learning journey". The whole school and all the students parents involved. The progam is to instill in the students, parents and all the school staff that we work together to fulfill our aspirations.
Everyone is a Winner in Jiemin Primary School

Sandcastle building

The Sandcastle event was an enriching one. Most of us worked on our sandcastles diligently, wanting to build the most beautiful one possible with our newly acquired skills.

The sandcastle changing point was difficult to stomach at first but after a while we learnt how to work with what was given and make the best of it. This brought the team closer as we worked together to create something good with the resources given and the now extremely limited time.

The final instruction to link all the groups work together adds the finishing touches to turning individual castles into a big wonderland. This taught me that if everyone worked together, the whole will always be a better picture then its parts in isolation.

Submitted by: Wong Jia Lei

Sandcastle building

I have never built a sandcastle in that magnitude before. However, I realised that nothing is impossible if I have the will to achieve it. Well, the task looked formidable at first but in the end, things could still be achieved with the application of the correct strategies. It was a mixture of boredom at first but turned into fun and excitement at last. I am glad that I had learnt something worthwhile.
Mdm Lai

Sandcastle - Teambuilding

I really had fun. Besides picking up some skills about sandcastle building, I also got to work with some colleagues whom I seldom work with -- Team 5. We were a very cooperative group. No quarrels, no arguments and we were task-oriented. However, I think we've learnt that because we were so cooperative and so task oriented, we lacked the creativity and we "just did it" without really bothering about what was happening around us. Thinking to myself, sometimes, we've got to stop a moment from what we're doing and take a look around us to see what's going on and whether we are moving in the right direction.

Sandcastle - Teambuilding

I did not imagine that our team could actually build a sandcastle within such a short period of time! The event has made me realise that anything can be made possible with teamwork, trust and harmony. I would like to thank all my team members and those involved in organising the event for making this a truly wonderful experience.

Boon Tat.

Sandcastle Building Reflection (Ai Chuin)

This was a fun and meaningful event. I have learnt a lot about the importance of teamwork, and having faith and patience from this activity.

Before the event, I had my doubts about building a sandcastle successfully. I was glad to have the guidance from the instructors and the cooperation from my team mates which made the sandcastle building possible.

The overcast morning on that day led me to think that the event would be cancelled. However, all of us persevered on despite the slight drizzle amidst the gusts of wind. We were finally rewarded with a clear sky and a nice rainbow at the end. =)

Sandcastle building requires patience especially when it comes to laying the foundation. If it is not done faithfully and properly from the start, it won't work and all our subsequent effort will be wasted.

This is the same for teaching. It is important for us to ensure that students are able to grasp fundamental concepts right from the beginning so that they will be more well-equipped to understand what we will be teaching them susequently.

In conclusion, I would really like to thank our SWC members for taking the time and effort to organise such a meaningful activity. Kudos to all of you who made this possible!!


Ai Chuin

Takeaways from Sandcastle Teambuilding

A simple childlike activity that is made not so simple, with great lessons learnt! While I got my hands dirty and my feet wet, I immersed myself in a few hours of fun learning. Teamwork, perseverance, patience, ability to adapt to changes, stay positive, ... are some of my takeaways.


Sandcastle - Teambuilding

The activity was a great one. I had enjoyed the event. I had learnt a lot of things from this activity. It has helped me to understand that changes happen every now and then and we must be ready to adapt to the change.

I have learnt that and about teamwork in this event. Its a great event. We should have such events as it helps us to learn a lot of things. I enjoyed every single moment.


Sandcastle - Teambuilding

It was a great event. I had learnt a lot from this event. I had learnt how to work with people, to cope with changes. I had a loads of takeaway from this event.

I enjoyed the whole activity. I could not believe that we could build such nice sandcastle. No words could describe how I feel about the event.


Sandcastle - Teambuilding

It was a wonderful experiance. I had enjoyed it and learnt that anyone could create beautiful sandcastle. I learnt how to maximise my strengths. At the same time, I had learnt to work with others and had managed to complete the task within the given time.

Before the programme started, it was raining. After that, it was very cold there. I was wondering how to work in this weather but shortly the sun came over to visit us and stayed there with us giving us warmth and strength to move on.

Before I pen off, i can never forget the rainbow. Its a breath taking view. I simply loved the whole event and had learnt a lot from this programme.


Mus - Sandcastle Team Building

It was great fun indeed building sandcastle in the not so hot sun! Most importantly I learned that all departments, no matter what their programmes are, will have to eventually unite for the benefit of the pupils and staff. Maybe we should call ourselves Jiemin United then !

The first stage - Planning 1

From the welcome by the the morning light shower, follow by the smile of the rainbow to the closing by our Singapore warm sun......

Rainbow Over The Castle

Rainbow spanning
Over the castle

What a way to begin
The day

Without the rain
Where will the rainbow be

Multi-colored arch
Over the horizon

Compassionate and passionate
Castle-builders toil

The rainbow of hope
Grows in the young lives

David & Grace Tan

Sandcastle Building

This is the first time I ever attempt such 'feat'. Considering the fact that we were given a short time to complete the task, I'd never thought that we would be able to have our mission accomplished. My team had such difficulty trying to get the four ft tower up at first but eventually we did figure sumthing out. Well, patience is truly a great virtue. Overall, I felt it was a unique experience thou i ended up with aches in the back n legs.

It was a very interesting and unique workshop in teambuilding. Kudos to the SWC for making it a fun and fulfilling session.


Sunday, June 22, 2008


The activity was fun and enjoyable. Such activities really help people of different backgrounds to bond together and accomplish something. As we are enjoying the activities, it also taught us the importance of communication and teamwork. I am definitely looking forward for such activities in the future.


Hopefully You Have Enjoyed It!

Initially when PohLin and I were planning for this event, I was not too sure if the staff would like it, as it involves lots of sweat and effort. However, after this I felt an enormous sense of achievement, not merely from organising this team-bonding activity but much more from the chance to work so closely and cohesively with my colleagues. Frankly, I was surprised to see Mdm Lee and Mdm Khatijah working even harder than me. I asked them if they needed a rest, hoping they would say 'yes' so I could get a short break together with them, but both gave me an immediate 'no thanks!' I was totally impressed. In fact, the entire Jiemin was so busy trying their utmost to make the best out of the sand,water and time given, what an awesome and inspiring sight to behold!

Lastly, I would like to thank my team for being extremely cooperative and fun to be with.This is truly a rewarding experience, I hope Jiemin shares my feeling.

Chian Loong
Flexibility, Commitment, Sharing of similar goals, Creativity, Teambonding, Happiness, Co-operativeness, Reflective, Responsibility, Perserverance and PLAY were displayed in the sands of thought.

Sandcastle Building

Rome was not built overnight. Everything we do takes time and effort to plan, to build, to maintain and to become something really great. In the process, we will meet challenging changes. Face them with perseverance and a firm belief in ourselves and dreams will definitely turn into reality.
Wai Yee

Build A Castle

Hi everyone! I used to wonder how sandcastles were fabulously crafted when I was young. I tried to do like what I saw, but ultimately, it's just a lump of sand. Upon attending the retreat organised by SWC, I realised that sand and water is like pupils and teacher. When building a sandcastle, I need not just sand, but also water. Pupils need teacher and a teacher needs her pupils. Apart from that, I can't get my castle ready and done nicely at the same time, without help from my team members. That goes the same for working in a school, I can't survive alone without my colleagues lending a helping hand. In conclusion, I hope that this new semester will bring about changes , which is inevitable, so that I can be a more effective teacher and worker. Happy working together, dear colleagues! :)


Sandcastle Building - Castles Can Fly

As the title goes, castles can fly so can our dream...
Believe in yourself, in people around you,
and things that you thought you cannot achieve,
will be made possible~

Brandon Chow

Castles Flying High!

Double rainbows and majestic sandcastles. A picture perfect sight. It was made possible with co-operation, perseverance, hardwork and gritty determination. Every individual's contributions played a significant role in the sandcastle building activity. We have made castles that are flying high! A memorable day for all to savor.

Enjoy the weekend!

Reflection on Sandcastle Building Activity

The activity was really fun. We got to work as a group and focussed on each other's strengths. Although the sandcastle building task seemed quite daunting at first, the group managed to work things out eventually. Through the activity, I learnt the importance of perseverance, that change was inevitable, and teamwork was crucial for the survival of the organization. When difficulties are encountered along the way, always remember that help is nearby.
Diana Chan

Sandcastles Can Fly

There are many things in life which are not within our control and this includes changes. Working in an industry where changes are abundant, we really must learn to accept changes readily and move on together with team members quickly.

This sandcastle building experience had summed up two important factors contributing to a successful organization, namely adaptability to changes and team-work. Hope all of us are able to exercise this at work....Cheers

Hwee Min