Thursday, February 21, 2008

Reflections on Chapter 2

After reading the chapter 2, we have realised that children need to be encouraged and appreciated for their efforts. Motivation is also a key factor in this aspect.

Its ironic that in this story, the pilot got impatient when the little prince asked him to draw. However, as a young kid, he was discouraged by his teacher of his aspirations to be an artist.

The pilot demonstrates creative thinking (out of the box) by drawing the sheep in the box. We must encourage our pupils to adopt this thinking strategy too.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Chapter 2

In this chapter, it reinforces the power of drawings and the importance of imagination. Reader has to use his own imagination to grasp the real story. We should think out of the box. This chapter shows that adults and children have different perception.
Adult's perspective : unimaginative, overly pragmatic and dull
Child's perspective: creative and imaginative
The author was isolated and away from corrupting influence of grown up world.
Constant questioning shows that we cannot hope to have answers simply handed to us.

By: Erni, Sulastry, Zuraina, Noormala, Hafiszah, Mrs Bok & Mrs Yee