Monday, April 28, 2008

Singapore: Past, Present and Future

NE news : Singapore - Past, Present and Future ( 5 - 11 Mar 2008)
With the influx of foreign talent into Singapore, the more we need to keep the talented and capable Singaporeans in Singapore. As teachers, this sense of loyalty needs to be inculcated since young, especially during their formative years in the primary schools. The pupils need to feel that Singapore is their Home, to have a sense of belonging and be able to show appreciation and gratitude for what the Government has done for our country and citizens. Without capable leaders, Singapore will not be able to achieve what we are today. This sense of belonging and patriotism can only be achieved if the pupils are made aware of the political stability that we are reaping now through the sheer hard work of our present leaders serving the country now.
Posted by : Pr 2 teachers

NEws Weekly Edition 5-11 March


Here's what the P3 teachers had come up with during our discussions :

1. Loyalty cannot be bought. The new citizens and PRs still have their roots in their own homeland. However, we can encourage and adopt dual citizenship.
2. Since they are from various foreign ethnic groups, introduce a public holiday called International Day. Let there be a selective incorporation and sharing of their cultures with others.

From P3 Teachers