Thursday, March 20, 2008

Cyber Wellness

As a parent of 3 teenagers. I found cyber wellness very useful. Now I can guide my teenagers at home and my pupils in school. Very Pleasant Learning. GREAT WORK!!

4 Players Model

Each & everyone of us has a role to play. It is just that we take turns and put on the different hats at different times. It really gave us and insight into how things are done. We found the 4 players model very useful. It can be applied anywhere in any situation, even in the classroom with the kids.

Candy Chua
Lim Ting Yang
Siao Aichuin
S.S. Amutha

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Cyber Wellness - Case Study 3

1. If i'm Vincent, i'll informed an adult/ teacher/ cyber wellness coordinator/ FTSC and then notified the police. i'll also post a message on my blog to inform viewers that the photos and remarks made were untrue.

2. I will verify with him if its true because it is not right to jump to any conclusion without any investigation.

Tun Divas

4 Players’ Model

The mock up was a fruitful session. Through the process, our group could see how the views of the mover and the opponent could be shared and questioned by the other party. The follower could see the ideas presented before deciding who to second.

In addition, ideas get discussed in depth as the opponent’s constant questioning will serve to get the mover to think in greater detail in order to give stronger views or cite more supporting examples to sway the follower to his side.

Contributed by: Diana, Mabelene, Kogi and Jia Lei

Cyberbullying Case Study 1

Diana has been receiving abusive SMSes from people she doesn't know. This will cause her to be paranoid, scared and confused. This might result in her being afraid to leave her house as she might be afraid that the SMSes might be a prelude to physical abuses from the unknown sender. This will in turn affect the other aspects of her life. Eg. Her social life and academic performance.

As Diana's friend, we will tell her not to delete the message as in the event that there is a need to inform the police, there will be evidence. We will then inform the teacher about the SMSes. The teacher can then take steps such as informing the school about the SMSes and how such 'pranks' will affect the victim. Hopefully this will be a wakeup call for the prankster.

If such SMSes continues, we will advise her to go to the police. But most importantly, we must assure her that there are people around her who care for her and she should not be afraid or affected by such messages.

Contributed by: Ai Chuin, Candy, Diana, Mabelene, Kogi and Jia Lei

Cyberwellness - Case Study of Samuel

Behaviours and symptoms to 'game addiction' were distinctive in Samuel's behaviours.Basically, he was living in virtual reality. He looked forward to his game to the extend that he ate dinner in a rush, gave excuses to his absent-mindedness, claimed he was sick, ignored his mother when questioned and hurried to the game store immediately after school.

Some of us felt that his father could have set the ground rules first before rewarding him with the game and teach him the discipline of having control over the game. Now, it seemed as though the game has taken control over Samuel.

Contributed by: Khatijah, Magdalene, Gek Hiang, Hayati, Chang Hui Min & Ting Yang

Four Players' Model

From the 4 of us:

Hui Miin
Gek Hiang

Follower's Comments:

Mover--> stated the motion, gave rationale and cited examples.
Opposer --> asked questions to clarify and Mover elaborated.
Observer --> showed verbal recognition

We understand that it was just a mock-up, so the process was not realistic. The motion should be something authetic that comes from the heart of the mover. The mover must believe in the motion so that he/she could stand by it. During the mock-up practice, the opposer might not oppose to what the mover had said.

Four Players' Model

Dear colleagues,

Do share your views on the process that you went through in the Four Players' Model.

We, the facilitators, felt that all of you had a fruitful session with this Model.

You took on the roles with enthusiasm and carried out the session with zest.

Do buzz your views here.......

........Thank you and have a gr8 blog.

Facilitators (KPs)