Thursday, April 24, 2008

NE Weekly News

After reading the article posted here : S:\JPS Staff\Damodaran_Prabaharan\NE
- the P5 level trs reflectd the following :

It is vital for schools like SJI to have a pool of teachers of different races to guide the pupils in Racial Harmony. There should also be a fair mixture of students of different races in such schools. Mr Yeo, former SJI st, reflected on days gone by - SJI Lasallian culture or movement teaching leadership and Christianity which is used as a central values in any of their activities. We also reflected that it is impt to have a common Jiemin sch culture in our sch to make cultural integration natural here. Ms Mak agreed that our sch identity is vital here as well. Some trs shared their personal experiences of racial tensions created by our own st and the sharings were very insightful.....The cultural values of the st and the trs should not be only reflectd by our ethnic costumes worn during RHD, it should also be natural and sincere esp in our actions and decisions.....

From the P5 trs - The level of love

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