Friday, June 20, 2008

Sandcastle Teambuilding @ East Coast Park (20/6/08)

Ola everyone....

Hope that you had a great time during our Sandcastle Teambuilding activity at the East Coast Park.....

Now is the time for us to each reflect on our takeaway for this activity.....

Alright, let me get the ball rolling.....

I had a ball of time doing something that I long for...building sandcastles...of course under proper guidance of our instructors....

On top of the enjoyment in building them, I really appreciate the apportunity given in learning more abt each other's strength and my own weaknesses. Everyone was opened to suggestions and work towards the goal. I realised that one needs proper guidance and must not be shy to seek help from the expert or even our pupils whenever we encounter new challenges.

Well, despite the heat, I would say it was a gd job well done by the SWC.......hats off to you guys.......GR8 JOB PPL!


"Be humble or u tumble"


The Little Prince of JPS said...

It is truly an enriching and fruitful session. I never knew that building sandcastles could be so fun. Most importantly, the spirit of team spirit is evident in this event. Great outing.

Bee Ling

The Little Prince of JPS said...

Sorry Hairi but where are the rest?? - of the staff ? You mean you went back after we had all gone home ?

Any way, jokes aside.
On a more serious note,

Amidst the dark sky, tiny droplets of water, freezing winds galore ( the men seemed to feel the effects more than the ladies ) and lightning flashes, the JPS team sailed through to reach JPS Sand Castle Land

At first we were lost, but soon we saw the light.
We struggledd to visualise our dream castle; we started building our dream castle but three-quarters into building it we were told to move to another site; we had mixed feelings but then we soldiered on ;dug and dug and dug; built and built and built; for some maybe - build, rebuild and rebuild

Certainly muscles were built and for some muscles were rediscovered.

There was certainly great team work and team spirit.
Camaraderie was evident!

And there was some excellent Selling of products ( koyoking ?)

Cheers to the SWC TEAM -
For a Job WELL DONE!

What A Great Way To Tan!
What A Great Day To Dig!

What A Great Way To Build!
What A Great Day To Fly!
And What A Great Day God Gave!
