Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Reflection on Little Prince Chapter 2

Miss Wong Jia Lei:
There's a need to refine one's teaching in order to reach the best standard. Just like how the author had to draw the sheep several times to meet the little prince's expectation.

Miss Mabelene Mak:
We have to think ahead, set long term goal and not just focus on the difficulties that our pupils are facing today.

Miss Ooi Guat Lan:
We should not be too judgmental and have to create a conducive environment for our pupils.

Mdm Tan Gek Hiang:
We have to give ourselves a chance to try out new things. We need to be wary of this self-fulfilling prophecy. You will never know the outcome until you try. Don’t make assumption.

Mrs Grace Tan:
Encouragement is needed for both adult and children. Encouragement can be carried out through a simple gesture. We should always give children the assurance that they can do it. For teaching to take place, both teachers and students need encouragement. Learning can take place if mistakes are allowed.

Miss Diana Chan:
We need to recognize that children, being children, make many mistakes. The process of learning is much more important compared to the outcome.

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